Thursday, November 12, 2009

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up.

OK, I have an idea. Let me know what you think.
The way I see it, I have about 8 years max. to decide what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. Now, I know I'm not young, but there's no reason to just roll up and die if you reach a certain age, whatever THAT age might be. There's probably enough time to plan something pretty darn good, unless something cataclysmic like the end of the world in 2012 comes up. My life NOW is pretty darn good; I love my students, I love my subject, but I am becoming aware that I'm creeping up on the top of the age curve in my school. In 8 years (max.), I will have reached the age where retirement is feasible. But what the heck is RETIREMENT? I might want more control over my time, and more flexibility then, but I'm NOT QUITE DEAD YET.
I may have found the answer today. There are several contributing factors: 1. I need to formalize all of this post-grad education I have received before I retire in order to get my income where it should be. I've been giving it away for a long time, by choice, but I have my future to think of. 2. My husband's position as a researcher at Lehigh University allows me access to their graduate programs free of charge (for tuition). And my school reimburses a portion to the university as well, so this is a no-brainer. 3. They have a program that sounds........promising.
I do NOT want to sit through meaningless courses in order to get my income up. My district wants us to be in a graduate program in order to advance on the salary scale. I am interested in the following things: Art, education, farms, crafts, food, helping, animals, and the community.
Lehigh University has a graduate program called the Community Fellows Program. You work with a community organization for a year, intensely investing yourself in partnerships that benefit both the organization and the community. You take a few courses, and you get your masters degree. Boom. IF I can do this with the farm, and IF I can get accepted to the program, and IF I can get my school to approve, and IF I can integrate the traditional Pennsylvanian arts into a community based art education/cultural program (I KNOW I can!), I have a goal! This is where I can see myself in 10 years, when my work in the school district is done. In the mean time, I can benefit the school, the farm, the historical groups in the area., the arts, the children...I can see special needs children benefitting from this partnership, I can see the elderly included, I can see significant public school opportunities, opportunities for traditional artists, support for the just seems like a blossom waiting to unfurl.
Do you think the summa in 1988 means anything now?
God help me...I think I may see the future. I hope the pieces will all fit.

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