Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Food Waste Reduction Challenge FAIL...Well...Sorta

Failing = Learning.
I'm participating in Crunchy Chicken's Food Waste Reduction Challenge. In accordance with the spirit of the challenge, I am trying to limit my food waste; I made cabbage the other day. I didn't like the recipe. Soooooo....I considered my options, and came up with egg rolls. Cabbage, a mild meat or shrimp. a little soy sauce and garlic powder, spring roll wraps (from the freezer), and away we go. Right? I piled it in. Sealed up those nice, sloppy rolls with a little corn starch in water, dumped a few in hot canola oil, and....and....watched them disassemble themselves in the oil. It was ugly. I spooned all the oily vegetable material out, and put it into a bowl. Picked away the egg roll wrappers, and set the mess aside. I rewrapped the remaining egg rolls after removing the innards from the outards. I dumped the outards. The NEW wraps were tight and well sealed. And I tried again.
These are the old, sloppy rolls. They should look like fat cigars.
Success. The oil needs to be fairly hot so the egg roll will firm up before it spills its guts. KEY bit of information. The rolls need to be tight and well sealed. In this case, less truly IS more. And the result will be savory, recycled cabbage leftovers. YUM. And those egg roll wrappers last forever in the freezer. I'm sure you could make your own with a pasta machine, but I like the lady who owns the Asian grocery store, so I buy as much as I can from her to help keep her little store in business (at the corner of 12th and Walnut, Shelly!). She makes a WONDERFUL homemade tofu for $.50 a block. I got some fresh turmeric root there, too...a great anti-inflammatory herb; she has everything you can imagine. I'm going to explore the turmeric next; my grocery-store lady told me it's great as a tea...for ulcers, skin care, etc.; I googled it. She's right. I'll try that tonight. Turmeric is a wonder-herb. Life's good.

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