Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Catching up

How do the days go by so quickly? When I look them over, I can't fathom it, but today, when I was asked to make some signs for the farm, I realized just how much I've been packing into my days.  A normal day starts at 6 AM with the alarm; I leave home by 6:45 (give or take), and arrive in my classroom in about 25 minutes.  Homeroom at 7:30, then my school day progresses, with all of its yet unblogged ups and downs.  I finish at 3, though I often stay later.

Then I drive to the farm; I milk until about 6:30 (barring escapees, injuries, and other time-sucking occurrences), then either work in my garden or head home. To make dinner, plan classes, clean gathered food, mow the lawn, water the plants, feed the cats, do the dishes...well, you get the drift.  And those are normal days.

Some things that I did this week (somehow!) outside of the normal days were:
1. Apply to grad school (to formalize my years of post-baccalaureate education)
2. Harvest my kohlrabi, armloads of lettuce and my first collard greens
3. Put in the tomato posts and wire up the bean trellis
4. Learn how to weave on an inkle loom

5. Went to our local Farmer's Market on Sunday
6. Made 3 gallons of S.W. tomato beef soup for Flint Hill and The Caring Place
7. Gathered and cleaned discarded but serviceable notebooks from the locker-cleanup discards to donate to The Caring Place. Was THAT a stinky job!

8. Got a shot of cortisone in my achy breaky knee on Tuesday afternoon, then
9. Squeezed in a visit to the Amish Farmers' Markets enroute to my grad school advisor meeting  then
10. Met with my grad school advisor yesterday from 4 - 6, then

I want to hug him!

11. Had dinner with my buddy Stephanie (after spending a half-hour cooing over the miniature horse foals we saw in a field on the way), then drove home and
12. Cleaned peas and strawberries while I sat on the couch with my hubby until I couldn't stay awake a minute longer

Oh...and I had a visiting artist at school this week; we've been painting a mural.  I won a grant to do this, and it's been about 3 months in the making.

It's been quite a week, since my last post. Now when will I make those signs? Well, thank goodness for summer vacation and impending knee surgery.  I'll have a chance to catch my breath.

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